Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A quick chuckle

Okay, so this blog has recently been inundated with a barrage of low brow picture commentary and a general lack of theme. And this post is no different. Hee! I love Scarlett Johansson, I really do. I love that she has this charming tonal affectation when she plays exasperated characters and that she seems (in a very middle school moment, though one could argue that my entire life is a middle school moment...) like a generally cool friend type. But I'm not sure if I thoroughly enjoy the coloring of this ensemble:

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It's very pretty and colorful and lovely, but her complexion reminds me of that summer when Lohan went blond and emaciated. But the BEST PART is of course the COMMONERS peering past this fake Louis Vuitton backdrop in awe. Perhaps they were blinded by her bleach-y appearance. I am totally that girl with the backpack, contaminating the couture petri dish with an invasion of sneakers and sweats.

This kind of didn't make any sense. But I have finally found a wine that tastes enough like fruit juice for me to sip. Hee!

1 comment:

KDW said...

She's still hot. Remember what you learned from "What Goes Around" by JT: if you cheat on JT, you die.