Wednesday, February 7, 2007

It's like ray-y-ane on your wedding day

But even more ironic is that this actually happened, and in Italy of all places. While visiting Milan with my parents, we actually witnessed a rain-soaked wedding. And not only was it a rain-soaked wedding, it was a DOUBLE rain-soaked wedding with two couples. Oh but there's more. Not only was it a double rain-soaked wedding with two couples, it was a FOBBY, double, rain-soaked wedding.

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The scene outside in the Piazza del Duomo: uber-rainy.

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The slightly wet couples make their way inside the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (world's first shopping mall!) for wedding pictures. Things of interest: the prevalence of Hong Kong popstar hair (even in the heart of Lombardy), the suspicious looking Asian man in the corner who looks ready to do battle with his ominous red umbrella is in fact, my father.

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Yes, I did shamelessly photograph the couples when they were posing for wedding pics. BUT SO DID ALL THE OTHER PPUL OK?? I just couldn't get over that such an adjective-rich wedding was taking place (rainy, fobby, double, Italian). It was like a game of madlibs come to life.

Of course the trippy-est part was when they all spoke Italian.

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