It's a sad sad day when your recreational writing has degenerated into a warped gooey mess of exclamation marks and painfully butchered endearments (HUN HUN HUN .... every time I see this word my eyes bleed a little). So I have decided to step it up with this blog. Though at times gut-wrenchingly pretentious, I promise you I will always use the spellcheck.
There are some things in life that I enjoy unconditionally. And here they are:
1) Beginning sentences with "and" because it makes me feel so cutting edge and sophisticated. AHYUK.
2) Buying shoes because their suitability lies independent of one's weight.
3) B-R-E-A-D. Whole wheat, sour dough, pumpernickel, rye, garlic, cheese, sesame, French, German, Italian, strucla, pain aux noix, roti, naan, focaccia, baguette, and everything else!
4) Laughing (Doesn't this sound like a saccharin feel-good mid-afternoon infomercial on Lifetime about something ambiguous).
5) SOUP (goes especially good with number three)
6) Reading the blogs of people I despise. Haha I guess this was a quick JUMP in topic, but it's the truth! Sadly, my unofficial blogroll is characterized by the following dichotomy: guilty pleasure blogs and laugh out loud blogs. The latter is pretty self-explanatory, but the former is what constitutes the whole of this NUMBER SIX thing that I love: the blogs of people who shamelessly (and thoroughly) explicate every emotional detail of their lives complete with ascerbic bursts of rage and generously complete backstories. It's like James Joyce on crack. It's like a Korean soap opera on my PC without the cancer and the amnesia and the long lost siblings. And it gets updated every week. And sometimes there are pictures. And it's housed on xanga. hahahaha.
7) Caffeine. GOD I LOVE CAFFEINE like an asian girl likes eyeliner. I will even try caffeine soap if you get it for me. Mmmmm blood vessels expandddinggggg.
8) Furry, pudgy, animals who are squishy and cute and adorable. (welsh corgi). harharhar
I guess the last thing was a cop-out for confessing to be such a monster via NUMBER 6. But this was the first real entry I wrote in a long time: pictureless and uncensored.