while his incompetent, trouble-hoarding progeny is (again) delightfully absent (GOODBYE FOREVER, KIM BAUER!). Hee!
2) The impossible-to-find-mint:
Currently available to me only through desperate college-cafeteria-style stealing from the complimentary basket of the local Mimi’s. How come no store on earth sells these mints except for an Albertson’s that is 300 miles away???
3) Dear Keira Knightley,
It is not your untimely demise to the awkward Paris Hilton-esque bikini boob squish or even your vain efforts to free your malnourished frame from the PDA-monster behind you that bother me. It is, rather, a nagging suspicion that you seem to have cloned Orlando. Compare:
Well this was rather pointless.
i've always thought that about that man, who is allegedly called rupert friend (even though we all know that clones don't have names). it's suspicious. when i saw him in "pride and prejudice", i was like "oh cool, orlando bloom is in this movie."
hmm i also found his approval-inducing last name too "obvious" with its love-me-because-my-last-name-is-friend type of logic meant to substantiate his silent i'm-a-human-not-a-clone claim. too bad he seems to be living off of keira's calories or something, thus literally sucking her life away.
i was so confused when i saw this post... cuz i thought that picture of her on the beach WAS with orlando bloom and i was like, what do you mean... keira looks like orlando? haha. i even googled keira knightley to see if she was dating orlando bloom, and i was like uh no she's dating some guy named rupert friend... but i've got it sorted out now. wtf, i don't remember him looking like orlando bloom THIS much when i saw pride and prejudice...
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