1) I know traveling choirs that can produce music longer than you without being recharged. 60 minutes? COME ON!
2) Sound quality and volume are inversely proportional.
3) Silly me did not realize that such a small device actually concealed an all-powerful Bermuda Triangle of music from whence no songs can emerge after they have been transferred. Let me now illustrate this frustrating conundrum to make things easier:
But it’s like demanding that all bridges be one-way with a once-you-cross-you-can’t-come-back kind of logic. Okay, I’ll forcefully regurgitate a slice of sympathy from the flesh-eating black hole that is my heart and just assume that this is some sort of anti-piracy tactic. BUT THERE’S MORE
4) ONLY ONE MUSIC LIBRARY. Wtf? Is this the price I paid for “updating my software?” What if I have more than one computer? What if my ipod wants to be a whore and try other libraries? It needs choices too, okay?? And not only is my forcibly monogamous ipod now confined to one music library, every time I plug it into a new computer, it tries to erase former content and sync to the new library. If my ipod was a girl, it would be one of the maladjusted fucktards from Sex and the City (most likely the husband-pleasing Charlotte York).
Which brings me to…
5) The reason why I need to plug it into computers: CHARGERS NO LONGER INCLUDED. Huh??? Like any beneficiary of nepotism, my ipod has become the undeserving leech that all my other electronics secretly hate. Why does it get priority at USB drives? Because its battery life is so damned short.
6) Supposedly “cool” click wheel is always effectively (and IRONICALLY) incapacitated by “cool” weather. Once it hits 30 degrees, playing my ipod becomes a dangerous game of CHANCE where there is no winner.
So goodbye. It’s been frustrating and DEADLY and I can no longer stomach such a sub par “partnership” especially when my PUREGOLD gym playlist was threatened with deletion. That was the last straw.
i like my Creative Zen Vision:M, although it may have similar syncing problems if you use 2 libraries. it does however let you drag n' drop. but 60 minutes, really?
Wow, thank you for voicing everything I hate about the iPod. I'd have to second Jeff's comments - 60 minutes? Did you get that iPod used?
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