Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pinkberry, Pinkberry, Pinkberry, Pinkbeeeerry

Despite the grating, irreverent theme song that gushes out of the Pinkberry website like a bad case of diarrhea, I still must profess my undying love for this magically delicious concoction. As a card-carrying member of the "I only eat foods that maximize calorie straining technology" (sugarfree, fat free, taste free, etc.) posse, Pinkberry was like an overpriced dream come true. Mmmmm yummy. Soon I will make a real entry instead of this purposeless food porn. But first, I must watch the quality CW programming that is The Search For the Next Pussycat Doll.

DAY 1: raspberries, almonds, mango:

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DAY 2: kiwi, almonds, blueberries:

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DAY 3: blackberries, almonds, kiwi:

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(wow can you tell that I might have a weakness for ALMONDS ALMONDS ALMONDS?)


Jeff said...

zomg pinkberry. where did you get that! i want some.

but you're supposed to get it with the mochi, the mochi! fruit and mochi and nuts.

GRITS said...

chelsea FTW. i like melissa r okay, but i really really do NOT like asia.