Monday, February 19, 2007

Fact: I like chocolate mints.

During the treacherous times of my fulltime student-hood, I had oft heard tales of a mint so elusive, it was found only in isolated pockets of civilization unreachable by my peasant means … aka real cities. Mmm, but today, my fixation finally materialized into reality:

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Cho-co-la-teyyyyyyy... yet with a kicky cinnamon center...

Can't wait to try all the other flavorssss. ^_____^


SnowyMobs said...

dude, i totally just ate a whole tin of that last week, and i bought it from Target, PYRAMID MALL suckkaa.

and btw, are you totally not at school anymore. i envy you.

SnowyMobs said...

a whole tin of "those," excuse me.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.